5 places where you can reduce your company’s environmental footprint

Reading time:
7 min

Climate change is currently a hotly debated topic. Keyword “hot”: the temperatures on our planet continue to rise, and we have to raise awareness to campaign against it. This is an issue that is close to destinazio.’s heart. But can a digital agency make a positive contribution to the issue of climate change?

5 places where you can reduce your company’s environmental footprint

Our answer is yes. People often underestimate the impact the IT industry has on the climate. Emails, streaming services, cloud storage and surfing the internet are real energy hogs. Measures against this large energy consumption in the digital world are not yet consistently implemented. The aim of this article is to show you which measures you can do personally and how destinazio is committed to being digitally sustainable.  

1. Hosting

With 35% of the energy consumption in the IT sector, data centres and networks account for a large share (source: Lean ICT – Towards Digital Sobriety). In order to make hosting more climate-neutral, more energy-efficient servers can be used. In addition, these servers should always be powered by renewable energy to reduce the carbon footprint. destianzio’s hosting partner green.ch is leading the way in energy efficiency for data centres by:

  • Increasing efficiency in their data centres
  • Reducing the carbon footprint
  • Utilizing waste heat  

2. Workplace

Energy saving workplaces can be designed in different ways. At destinazio there is no fixed workplace. Each employee works independently or in a co-working space, and communication between employees is digital. In this way, destinazio minimizes commuting and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. However, if we are dependent on a fixed workplace, it is always advisable to equip ourselves with modern, energy-efficient devices. This includes devices such as laptops and printers, lighting, heating and air conditioning, which can be used more efficiently with new technologies.

3. Paper/printing

Paper consumption is also a major issue in climate protection. Wherever possible, printing should be avoided or, if necessary, double-sided printing should be prioritized. destinazio switched to e-billing two years ago. As a result, the agency now only prints very rarely.

4. Meetings

When organizing meetings, it is important to take travel into account. At destinazio as many meetings as possible are held digitally. As we value closeness to the client and personal interactions, several meetings are coordinated at the same place and on the same day. This saves us time and energy!

5. Data

As already mentioned in regard to hosting, storing data is considered a big energy consumer and so large files should be avoided as much as possible. On the one hand they can be compressed, but on the other hand the quality can be reduced to save data volume. destinazio pays special attention to optimizing a website's code and content as data volume, keeping it as low as possible, especially when creating websites. This reduces the energy consumption while improving website performance.

As we want to make you more aware of the topic, we hope you find these tips to be useful. As a web agency in Valais, we are surrounded by beautiful nature and consider it our duty to do our part for climate change in this era of digitalization.

If you need any kind of consulting on how to reduce the ecological footprint of your company, destinazio is the right partner for you!

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